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Building Tomorrow's Productive WorkForce

Changes in the labor market started as 70 million "baby boomers" began retiring and it became apparent that the workplace would never be the same again. The Generation X, Millennial, and the Zer's have only 45 million workers to replace those that are retiring. The challenge of merging these three very different generations into an effective team presents even greater challenges. Today, 50% of all workers do not fit their job to some degree which contributes to "presenteeisum" that costs our economy about one-half a trillion dollars annually. Less than 17% of American workers are considered to be "fully engaged" in the workplace. It is predicted that by 2023 only 10% of the jobs in the United States will be blue collar jobs. Those blue collar jobs will require more education and training for new workers. The employer's biggest challenge today is not just recruiting workers but finding those that are qualified and prepared to do the job. It will become more difficult for business to compete in the world market if workers are not more productive.

The first step in pursuing a higher level of productivity is to start matching the attributes of each worker to the needs of their job. The more that is understood about workers and what they naturally do best, the more likely it is that they will use their talents and abilities effectively. It is important to remember that the best productivity will be built around the strengths of your workers. Just as taller people have an advantage in playing basketball, business must put a larger priority on picking the "right players" to insure they match the job.

Today, the natural attributes of employees can be accurately identified and translated into the strengths and limitations, which form the basis for good job match. It is imperative that both workers and employers begin matching the needed job functions to the attributes that each worker brings to the workplace to increase productivity and reduce high employee turnover.

Each job requires that the job functions needed are thought of as big hats & little hats. The larger hats comprise a large portion of the workers daily activities and it is important that employees have a natural fit and wear these large job hats well. It is not as important that the little hats fit as well as they are worn for only short periods. Identifying the natural competencies and then translating them into job functions provides a "common denominator" for job match which makes each job applicant more predictable and insures better results. These competencies should not be confused with the old "personality" factors which have helped place many workers in jobs where they were not productive because they lacked job match..

The Professionally You™ survey identifies the natural attributes that each worker brings to the job and then correlates them to the candidate's job function matches where they will optimize their performance. The visual graphics of the competencies matrix and summary worksheet will immediately capture the applicant's assets and help the employer know if they can add value to their business. The job function scales will easily isolate the proficiency of work activities that the candidate has and identify how well they match the needs of their accurately measured job description. The Professionally You™ Report will provide direction, coaching and training recommendations that will assist management in the employee's training and development.

Awareness of the employee's strengths and limitations is the first step in developing their Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) which is now considered to be twice as important as both technical knowledge and IQ in determining their future success and the benefits they offer.

Only your employees can unlock the full potential of your business and only good information, training and development can unlock their potential which brings benefits to your bottom line.